Jeff Cohen
Children's Book Author
Public Radio Reporter

Meet Eva and Sadie in Jeff Cohen's debut picture book Eva and Sadie and the Worst Haircut EVER!
Based on two real-life sisters and inspired by the viral audio clicked on millions of times, Eva and Sadie and the Worst Haircut EVER! is the story of two little girls and a haircut gone bad. Really bad. With charming illustrations by Elanna Allen, young readers will love following this story as Eva gets a new hairdo and Sadie realizes that it's okay to make mistakes as long as you try not to make the same one twice.
AND! Coming in June 2015 -- Eva and Sadie and the Best Classroom EVER! And it's already getting great reviews!

Eva and Sadie and the Worst Haircut EVER! was named the Kindergarten to Second Grade Book of the Year in the 2015 Children's Choice Book Awards!
Illustrator Elanna Allen, author Jeff Cohen, and the girls.
Photo Courtesy of Children's Choice Book Awards.