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Credit: Catherine AvaloneThe Middletown Press



Here's a fun sampling of some of the press and reviews for Eva and Sadie and the Worst Haircut EVER!


Eva got to speak with ABC's David Muir. That was fun.














I got to speak on the air of Southern California Public Radio's Program Take Two about the book.  That was fun, too.


We all got to be in our local paper, The Middletown Press.  Super












I got to do a back-and-forth with the fantastic Mr. Schu.  Totally cool.


And, I recently went home to New Orleans for a great weekend of book signings -- which got some nice attention from the New Orleans press, too!  Here's an interview with WWNO's Susan Larson, an interview with The New Orleans Advocate, and a big, cool spread from The Times-Picayune.








The Times-Picayune Eva and Sadie and the Worst Haircut EVER! Jeff Cohen


School Library Journal:   "Allen's playful pencil, watercolor, and digital illustrations perfectly capture the wildness of Eva's hair and the gentle humor of the story. Based on a real-life haircutting incident with Cohen's young daughters, this story will resonate with many young readers, though hopefully not inspire them to get into their own haircutting shenanigans."



Publisher's Weekly:  "[N]ewcomer Cohen’s story quickly turns into a mild-mannered domestic sitcom with sunny cartooning and a bright, chatty voice that feels more adult than kidlike."


Library Media Program, Granite School District:  "Illustrations are bold and wonderful. The story depicts parents who are firm but kind in their consequence for what Sadie did." Five stars!


And perhaps my favorite review of all -- five bookworms from This Kid Reviews Books:   "The story is very well-written, and has a great message. The message that Sadie learns is “It’s okay to make mistakes, as long as we learn from them, and try not to do them again.” Sadie and Eva are great characters, ones you can relate with – after all who hasn’t done something like this when you were little?  Ms. Allen’s illustrations put the finishing touch on the book, like the whipped cream and cherry on the sundae. I think children will love learning from Eva and Sadie’s mistake."


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